Thursday, July 28, 2011

Royal Bleue Family - First Meeting!

So finally the Royal Bleue Family had their first meeting and it was quite a frenzy. There were so many family members as well as guest! I took a couple of pics, here they are! :D  


 - L'Heure Bleue

Royal Bleue Family, First 20 Members!

Well, the family has hit lucky number 20, I need to update the members page. Remember at 50 people, the family will be closing down for good, so just letter me if you want to be part of the family! By the way, we're having our first Royal Family Picture Party today. I will make events to notify all the Bleue's to get ready and come party! Remember, theme is Blue.

 - L'Heure Bleue

In The Presence Of Oliver!

Yes, I saw the little green guy and if you're wondering if I gave him props, I sure did. It was so fun chasing him around and constantly stalking Pico's twitter page. I did try taking a picture with him, but so many girls were hovering the poor little guy that it was simply impossible, however I did take a couple of pics of him, and unfortunately people were having a blast covering him up, but you can still see the little leaf on top of his head signaling he's the real deal.

- L'Heure Bleue

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy Oliver Lingering Around Pico's Space Station!

The little green guy has been recently lingering around Pico's space station. He sure is a hard one to find, but don't give up. I only seen him once in my Pico life, it was sure a memorable moment. Well, thing is you props and you have a chance of winning 1,000 ameba gold. Good thing about this is that its not only one person, but three lucky people can win this props easter-egg-hunt of some sort. I got to admit finding Oliver reminds me of a hide and seek game. The little green guy comes out whenever he wants and catching him red handed can be somewhat difficult, but not impossible. Make sure you props him if you see him!

- L'Heure Bleue 

New Space Gacha! Cheap And Unique! Only 50 AG!

The image below is pretty neat huh? Well yes, that's the recently new space gacha that Pico just presented us with. The rare item would be that shiny blue UFO, the other items involve clothing and little space knickknacks. The good thing bout' this gacha that it's only 50 AG, not like those super super premium items with the 100 AG price, so make sure you run to the nearest available space station and take a spin to the space gacha. I assure you, you won't regret spending gold on this one. By the looks of this gacha, its very unique and rather color if you ask me. Only 50 ag, very cheap, take an opportunity now Pico's.

Here, I also took a pic of my new space outfit, I was aiming for my favorite color - pink - but got yellow instead. Oh well, I must admit, its still a nice outfit.

- L'Heure Bleue

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Étoile Gathering!

The moment my good friend MaiRie Étoile invited me to attend to the Royal Étoile Family Gathering, I quickly rushed from blackjack and followed her twin MiaRi Étoile to her very awesome Jacuzzi room! Me and a couple of other people were there as well the Étoile family. By the way, I used to be an Étoile long ago, an ex cousin, that's why Mai invited me, she wanted Étoile's or not Étoile to attend :) Well, here's a pic, check it out!

- L'Heure Bleue 

Friday, July 22, 2011

♥ Cat™ Étoile♥'s Grand Palace!

So just a couple of hours ago, I witness my friend Cat's newly finished palace! It looks very beautiful, it makes you feel as if you were in a dream were you could touch the skies and fly around. *_*, I really do love her house, its just such a nice place! The grand palace is home to my good friend Cat Étoile so please make sure to stop by! It's such an amazing house which deserves hundreds of rings and faves. You will be greeted by Cat as you enter her lovely home, no kidding, she's such a sweetheart <3

L'Heure Bleue, ♥ Cat™ Étoile♥ , H E R S H,  þÐŁ veronicαツ, L'Heure Lila,

L'Heure Bleue & ♥ Cat™ Étoile♥ 

þÐŁ veronicαツ, ♥ Cat™ Étoile♥ & L'Heure Bleue

Pico's Very Own Space Station!

 4...3...2..1 Blast Off! Well here are some new pics I took of Pico's brand new Space Station! It's certaintly so exciting to see rocket after rocket launch each hour. I was having certain difficulties earning my star when I had arrived 5 seconds before that baby down there reached the skies! Here are some pics I took!

I really do love this space station, I seen it in pigg a while ago. Just a quick confession that I haven't played pigg in such a long time, lol. Well remember pico's, in order to have that last star, you must arrive every hour and so to witness the rocket launch off! You will get 150 gummies by simply standing there and watching that rocket hit the skies, lol. The really cool thing about this has to be the gummies shop. I bought a fine looking hat and a shirt with just 1,100 gummies! Its the little things like this that will remind you that there was a space station on pico and you were just lucky to get the hat. Remember pico's, these's shops may be here for a long time, but I doubt they will be there forever, so make sure to earn those gummies and get yourself a nice hat and shirt! 

L'Heure Bleue 

The Very Awesome Yet Ridiculously Expensive Casino Circus Gacha!

Brand New Circus Casino Gacha For All Circus Lovers <3
I'm sure the first thing we all see when we look at this fabulous new circus casino gacha, we all get a look at how high the price is. Yep, the image below would be the image of the brand new launch of the Circus Casino Gacha located in every blackjack area available. Now, who wouldn't love to get their hands on these Circus items. They are all very fascinating and yet ridiculously expensive. 9k for just one single item? That's gotta be some type of joke. This is by far the most expensive gacha yet. I'm worried how even more expensive the casino gacha's of the future would be...>.< If you do excel at Casino then you're very lucky, but if you happen to be like me, with very bad look and so little experience at black,, lol >:D

L'Heure Bleue Using Angry Action At Blackjack Area #1

- L'Heure Bleue

The Restart...

Well, It's official, I'm probably the laziest person in the world! :O I have a good excuse though, I think...well, I been occupied with real life,  a job, and family events and such! I don't have much time for the game anymore, but now, after finding a loop through my hectic schedule, I think I can work something out! For the reason that the Bleue family has overloaded, I have decided that I will restart the family from 0. New Leaders and such, but this time I'll be keeping tabs on who joins and the official members, I will leave the family to 40 people to join only. This time, I don't want more than 60+ and such. I'm also thinking of making the family Royal and such...not sure, maybe :) Well, all of the members from the Bleue Family, I apologize to say but I will restart the family at 0. So if you would like to join, please send me a letter and let me know you're reasons for joining ^.^ Since this a new start, I want the Bleue Family to be more of a family than a clan...

- L'Heure Bleue

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lot's And Lot's Of Bleue = Overboardness :O

Gah! I know I haven't updated the blog in such a long time :O I have a perfect excuse though - life, school work, friends, more life...and yes. Well, I haven't been playing the game much but now that I'm back from my hiatus state, I ask for all the Bleue Family members to please comment this or at least send me a letter in Ameba Pico letting me know you're part of the family. I know the names of all the Bleue's on the side of the page are not exactly the total amount of the family so one again I ask, if you're in the family, please let me know. Back in the days, I wasn't exactly the one person who send out invitation to join the Bleue Family. It would be nice to get a total amount of the family :D

L'Heure Bleue

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What's happened to Dark family?

I was recently kicked out of a family. I didn't do anything wrong, I just felt awkward booting into Dark's room while she's talking to people. Isn't a Pico family supposed to be big? It's not just NUMBERS but I mean, they're not supposed to have a limit either. Dark family is now VIP. No, Bleue family is VIP, Dark family is VVVIP. I'm sorry, but the meetings have nothing to do if people can't fit into one house. Do what Bleue family did, move to a area. I'm just so confused right now, it makes no sense.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bleue Meeting And Stuff

Anyway, since there are just too many Bleue's and a room capacity is only at 20 then I am thinking about having a Bleue Family Meeting in one of the travel areas. So get ready for Sunset Beach..

L'Heure Bleue At Sunset Beach

Next meeting will take place at Sunset Beach 1 this Thursday 4/21/11 at 8:00 pm Pacific Time (If Sunset Beach is full, then please retire to Sunset Beach 2.)  See ya there guys!

L'Heure Bleue

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another copier?

So recently the Bleue family has been getting more and more members, and some of those copiers of the Bleue Family... and the members who were kicked outta the bleue family.

Do any of you know Jade? one of Bleue's good friends and she gets along with everyone pretty well.. Well she got hacked recently by a unkown source. But anyways thats off topic.

The entire meaning of this post is to point out that there's 2 copies of L'Heure Bleue™


 This one is NOT a copier, She is L'Heure Bleue™'s real twin.

 Oviously, shes the real Bleue! No one could copy her!!
The New copier!! O:

One of the Two Copiers..


These New copiers are getting a little annoying at the moment!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


On Thursday, April 14th we will be having a family meeting.

This is a special occasion that ѕнαуиα♪ would like to throw.

If Bleue's internet can get back up, things will be A-OK.

It will be at the original family meeting location at 8 o'clock eastern.

For more details, please message me, ѕнαуиα♪.

Have a nice Pico Life~


3rd post.

Yeah, I know...this is unusual...three posts, *gasp* IN ONE DAY?

Yes, this is Shay, again...and I'd like all of the Bleue family to take some time out of their day, and MESSAGE ѕнαуиα♪ !!! She has a surprise, and needs all of you to schedule a time with will take less then a minute to do, so don't make a big deal out of it.

I just need a picture. A little picture, she has (or will) send you a message, telling you what I need to do.


ծለռi♥вℓєυє: The New Bleue.

HA, Shayna rhymed, sort of...

Oh yes, there is a new Bleue *applause, applause* Please make Dani feel welcome at our next FAMILY MEETING/EPIC-PARTY. Awh Yeah.

Alright let's see:

Her name is ծለռi♥вℓєυє,

Her favorite color is PURPLE,

She likes Eminem (that ghetto white rapper. ;D)

Her favorite person/Bleue is L'Heure ROUGE. (Awh snap Bleue.)

She loves, PIZZAROLLS.

Her favorite day is her birthday, and loves the month of March.

Her favorite adjective is: Shexi.

AND HER FAVORITE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLE IS: she doesn't watch it.            WHAT.?!?!?!

I'm a whoop her butt for not watching TMNT,

Well, yes... that's peretty much it.


Questions, Questions.

I WAS ASKED TO DO A BLOG POST. Well, Bleue's internet is still a big old she asked me to post something to you. She didn't care, which I found weird, just to post. o.o

So I'm gonna ask some questions, answer if you know any of them. ;D

1. If this is a family, is Fluffy and Bleue our mom and dad? (hahahaha, I had to ask that)
2. Was that last question a joke? Answer: no. not at all. xD
3. Is Bleue's favorite color "Dark-Bleue"? (hahahaha, that made me laugh)
4. Is there a new Bleue? Answer: HELL YEAH.
5. Is this over? Answer: Yes.

Yes, thankyou, thankyou, questions entertained me very much, I doubt they will to you, but I'm still posting it.

That's how cool I am,


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

No Internet =_=

Considering that at the moment I have no internet connection whatsoever, please refer to Shay if you want to be part of the Bleue Family. I will eventually get my internet back, but at the moment, things are just tedious without Pico >:O

Anyway, next meeting of the Bleue Family will be: 4/16/11 at 8 pm and the location as usually in my house. By then, let's just hope I got my internet back :O

Saturday, April 2, 2011

2nd Meeting! Even More Epic!

Picture time xD


HELLO THERE. All you fools, if you haven't forgotten, there will be a family meeting today.
 At 8 PM, (eastern time) we will be taking pictures, eating, and talking about how big of a fool  L'HEURE BLEUE is.♥  (haha, I love you Bleue.)

Please remind all Bleues that there ISSS a meeting tonight.
THANKS, ѕнαуиα♪

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Shay is your new recruiter. ;D
Anyone that wants to be in Bleue Family has to get through ME.
oh yes,
i went there.



Hmmm.? I wonder what Shay is doing on this wonderful blog for the Bleue family? She's guessing someone might've forgot she's not 4th in command anymore. ;D

Monday, March 28, 2011

Posers --->L'heure Blue

In pico, I have a twin named L'Heure Rouge and I searched my name up and this person came up with a name very similar to mine. Posers these days >_<

She's not me and yes I have talked to this person but she just won't change her name...

Here's my account, my original one:

And here's the person who's account name happens to very similar to mine...copycats >_<

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bleue Meeting Was Epic!

Today, just a couple of minutes was the first meeting of the Bleue Family. Lol, we all had so much fun in this meeting that I had to take pictures and here are a couple of them...

(So many people here, they're names are all on that side <--- of the page, xD)

Unfortunately, not all of the Bleue's could make it to this event so for that I will have another meeting next saturday, at the same time - 8 pm. They're will be pico food and alot of virtual partying! Come on Bleue's, let's all get online and take nice family pic!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Dearest Vegemite And Baby Spade!

My friend has just hit the big 16! Let's all wish a happy birthday to awesome veggy aka Vegemite! I hope this day is absolutely the best for you. May all you wishes come true and eat alot of cake veggy! XD! To think that awesome friends of mine share the same birthday date. Here comes...Baby Spade, who's birthday happens to land on this same day as veggy! Happy Birthday Spade, hope you have some good times today, lots of cake and all, lol! I love you guys <3

(Vegemite and L'Heure Bleue)

(Vegemite, L'Heure Bleue, And Baby Spade!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Twins Twins!

Lol, here's a pic of my good friend Tega and my twin Eli :D We're all ready to cook, and yet chase a rabbit down the hole! All dressed up as Alice's and pan's on our hands.

(♡TEGA❤ ♥ вℓєυє, L'Heure Bleue, & My Pico Sis Twin ☆εlliεt Bleue☆)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Meeting Of The Bleue's! First Familia Pic!

New people have joined, and I think it would be for the best for a new family pic. The old old one is getting old so a meeting of the Bleue Family will take place this Sunday 3/27/11 at 8:00 pm eastern time! Make sure to be there for the family pics!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Kade Da Kahuna

3 days ago, I stupidly left a water bottle close to my laptop which caused an accident, which ended up in a crashed computer. Anyway I got a new laptop so its all good now :D Im going to be presenting more peeps from the Bleue Family so here comes...

(My good friend §Fun-Size§™ Also Known As Kade)

*Now this guy is extremely funny and so cool to hang out with! Anyway, yep! Bleue Family second leader as well. So yeah, he also has a blog which is I think is just great so make sure to follow him at:

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Familia! ^.^

More New Family members :D Anyone is welcome to join!

(In this pic: L'Heure Bleue, ♥мєωмєω∟єттυ¢є, ℒαυℛ℮ηвℓєυє)

Mighty Mighty Cops!

A room filled with cops = No breaking da law! Lol, we so happen to have a bunch of cops in Dark's room today when I dropped by for a visit. There were like 4 people with identical outfits including myself. Check this pic out of our funny moment :D

(In this Pic: Ðaяk Ðяεam๖ۣۜ♥, L'Heure Bleue, & ¢нø¢øℓαтε.∂øℓℓ)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Grandpa & Granny Bleue?!

Haha, so me and my friends were just messing around in this picture. Although my friend Dustin does officially believe of himself as Grandpa of Bleue Family! Presenting the elderly of the Bleue Familia!

(OMG ITS STACY, Dιησ♡Lσvє, Grandpa Dustin, L'Heure Bleue)


Finally, after almost 6 hours of waiting for Pico to work again.. It finally comes back on, and right after Pico got back on some of the leaders of the Bleue Family came together to Bleue's room.. So we all took a photo of this fun event :D

 left to right : ℓéxι ღ вℓєυє , L'Heure Bleue ,
OMG ITS STACY , and Not you

Damn Pico!

Time out while retrieving area information, how long must we all wait to play the game? This is getting ridiculous. For hours, pico has denied an entrance to thousand's of people. This just sucks. I hope this problem gets fixed soon :O

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Official Allies! Ðaяk ƒamiŁy๖ۣۜ♥

Dark and I have been friends for such a time, so we thought how great it would be to have the reunion of the families brought together. As of now, the Darks are our official allies! How awesome is that?!

(L'Heure Bleue, Luna The Cat, And Ðaяk Ðяεam๖ۣۜ♥)

тнє вℓєυє fαмιℓу has REOPENED! :D

L'Heure Bleue and I
Officially re-opens the тнє вℓєυє fαмιℓу 
with L'Heure Bleue as our every so mighty leader. 
The few people that left вℓєυє on there names,and the people who wanted the Bleue family
 to come back now have a reason.. 
I will be taking photo's tomorrow (Sunday) in Not you's room for the current members of Bleue

I Thank you all for the support of people who asked for it to come back.
Also.. The Leader and I will be coming around asking people to re-join the family.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Family Name Change!

I was thinking about the name, and I realized that my name L'Heure Bleue was being used as a last name for the bleue members. Now I don't have a problem with that, I came up with this new idea for a new name. тнє яσυgє fαмιℓу will now be our official, hopefully-let's-stay-for-a-long-time, name :D Some supportive Bleue's have already fixed their names. I know Bleue Family wasn't exactly close or united, so I thought, with this new family, I'll have to change that. We will have dinners, events, parties, meetings, all of what a family should have. Anyway, yep, that's pretty much it. For people who are interest in joining the new family, just send me a letter ^_^

Also check out my friend Batsy's hot new delicious dating place center!

(I Love it, its so sweet :D)

(With exclusive biscuit swings...XD)

(In this pic I caught the owner, ★Bąт§y ★ my friend by surprise. She was at a party, lol.)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thumbs Up For Bigheaded Stacy And Bleue!

So today this morning when I logged into Pico, I noticed this wrapped envelope on my floor, and it immediately led me to Jokamachi where I'm in the process of completing the ninja quest. So, I see this group of picos with...big heads? Apparently, our small sized pico heads have gone to a new level now. Check this pic out!

(Me and Stacy In Jokamachi With Our Big Heads...XD)

* To do this trick, well its very simple. All you need to do is type in /1st and there you go! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

All Pages..

All pages of the Bleue Family are under construction as they are being moved around a bit .

And Also.. Happy 1st Anniversary pico! :D

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Welcoming LoLo вℓєυє!

Welcome LoLo вℓєυє to the Bleue Family!

You may be new to the family, but you fit right into our lives like you have already been there for a while. You get along with our family very well. You and Connie seem to get along already, and very good in matter of fact ! I hope you enjoy joining the Bleue Family LoLo вℓєυє!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

For вℓєυє Family Members...

As it has been already stated in this blog, you must be send an invitation for the family. Other than that, you can either change your name by adding  вℓєυє as a last name or you can add the phrase -  вℓєυє family to your profile information. Well, that is all. The вℓєυє  family is adding up in numbers. Pretty soon, our first meeting will begin as well as another family picture. Let's just hope all the  вℓєυє's are not obsessing over the slots! XD!

Slot Addiction .

Recently since the slot's 5x the winnings came back, I have been in the slots like every hour trying to make enough Casino Cash for a tiger. Which is like everyone else who is playing, but for the people who have auto clicker have it easier to win the tiger. So good luck for everyone who is trying to win the tiger!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Members of Bleue Page

The Members of Bleue page is under MAJOR construction and wont be back up till tomorrow !

Wait with anticipation! :D

Monday, February 14, 2011

Batsy's Spectacular Wedding Place!

My friend ღ★Batsy★ღ is the owner of a lovely pink wedding place. I'm usually visiting her at her home and always seem to find something different with her house. Either new decorations or more stuff, you name it. Its such an awesome place to have a wedding. Usually, I find my friends hanging around her place too. Not only an awesome place, but a pretty good hangout place as well.

 (L'Heure Bleue, ღ★Batsy★ღ, and נ σ σ н ε ε ♡)

Lol, love them so much <3 Check out jo jo's fancy crown and Batsy's outfit, damn, I wish I had it!